About me



Greetings, please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Michael
Sargent. A little about me, first off I am an avid outdoorsman who has taken his love of the outdoors and photography and combined them into a labor of love. My involvement with the outdoors has given me a unique style when taking photos at events, and this style has proven itself to be a winner for the MSP brand. I often find myself snapping photos at weddings using a stealthy approach and the images produced have simply wowed my clients. We have dubbed this as Photography through the eyes of the hunter. Over the past two years and since becoming involved with the social media craze, I have assembled a team of extremely talented people and our goal is to simply create some incredible content. Things to look for in the near future,, SHOOT2THRILL, Torquil Studio, and of course, M.Sargent Photography.
I also have some very strong opinions regarding photography and people who call themselves professional photographers. Going to walmart and buying a camera does not make you a photographer, it makes you a camera owner. What I mean by that, I have spent several years and several thousands of dollars to ensure that when I snap a photo, especially for a paying client, that photo will knock the socks off of my subject. I also do my very best to help aspiring photographers understand how to shoot the light.If asked I offer my help and or suggestions, but never just suggest. This blog was inspired by my oldest friend, who suggested that I start to write about the images I capture. This suggestion has led to almost 1050 people who like what I do, and some offers have come in to write for some pretty prominent publications regarding photography. The last 2 years have been great for me, and with some recent awards won in the field of photography,my biggest goal is to snap shots that inspire or wow the viewer. Who knows maybe someday you will see my work in National Geographic, but until that day I will be satisfied to go on my walkabout, shoot weddings, portraits, and whatever else I feel would be a beautiful photograph. Unlike most I never refer to myself as a professional. I like to leave that honor to those of you who enjoy what I produce. The comments and feedback received would have you believe that I know what I am doing and could easily make one’s head swell. Instead of having an ego, I keep things real and always tend to be my harshest critic
I want to thank all of you who have commented and supported what I feel has been a journey. You make my efforts worth the time I spend snapping pictures, and it is a very humbling experience to know that people are taking note.
I call this “FEEL THE BANG” and I truly enjoy reading the comments.
Thanks for reading my intro, and by all means tell me what you think. YOU ARE THE REASON I AM HERE.
Michael S. Sargent 



9 thoughts on “About me

  1. ..well…your work obviously exists on a different plane…and i mean that most sincerely!
    you could say we’re at opposite ends of the same game….i take very few shots and those worth saving for posterity…on film only….nothing else!
    i do play around with digital (my ricoh grd is my main tool)..but film is my love!
    great work you ahve here, sir!

    • Thank you, for the compliments… It was a tough transition going to digital vs Film. I feel your love for film and respect your stance. I owe what I am able to do today because of what I learned during my film days. I have and will continue to enjoy your shots. Stick by your guns!!!

      • Well, thanks very much for your upbeat comments! You know..sometimes I get fed up being called a luddite, stick-in-the-mud etc etc when people see me using film…but hey, thats me…I dont see why I should change my way of life just to please someone else etc! So your comments are recvd with great happiness! You have a regular observer of your owrk from today…me!

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